Petr Brandejs Band    
About the band
About the members
Former members

4th Risor Bluegrass Workshop (13-16th July 2009)

Here you can find materials prepared by teachers for each particular workshop. For more information please contact Petr here.

Common songs Different versions of common songs (.zip, 64.5 MB) 28.4.2009
Guitar Tabs & mp3 - (.zip, 20.2 MB), Tabs & mp3 - PART 2 - (.zip, 6 MB) 2.7.2009
Mandolin Common songs (.zip, 2.2 MB), Other tunes (.zip, 48.1 MB) 6.5.2009
Bass Tabs (.zip, 0.2 MB), mp3 (.zip, 12.1 MB) 6.5.2009
Banjo - beginners Tabs (.zip, 1.2 MB), mp3 (.zip, 38 MB) 6.5.2009
Banjo - advanced Day 1 (.zip, 2.4 MB), Day 2 (.zip, 0.9 MB), Day 3 (.zip, 8 MB), Day 4 (.zip, 4.8 MB) 6.5.2009
Dobro Tabs & mp3 (.zip, 6.9 MB) 26.5.2009
Fiddle Part 1 (.zip, 1.6 MB), Part 2 (.zip, 1.9 MB), Part 3 (.zip, 2.1 MB) 1.7.2009

4th PBB winter bluegrass workshop

in Novy Jicin was held in 27th February - 1st March 2009. For information please contact Petr here.

13th PBB bluegrass workshop

in Male Svatonovice was held in 17-19th October 2008. Photos here.

2nd Winter bluegrass workshop

was held in February 23rd-25th 2007 in Novy Jicin. To watch some more photographs, please click here.
Participans of the Second Winter Workshop
11th Annual PBB Bluegrass Workshop took place in Male Svatonovice in October 13th-15th 2006. For more pictures, please click here.
Účastníci 11. dílny PBB, 2006
Nejvíc bylo letos banjistů
Sobotní jam-session na a pódiu
Photos: Jindra Hylmar
Some photos from the First Winter Bluegrass Workshop of PBB in Nový Jičín, February 2006:
Petr Brandejs a Honza Máca
L-R:Pavel Brandejs, Ondra Kozák, Honza Máca, Michal Wawrzyczek
guitar class
banjo players